Information For Authors
- Ethics approval of research
- Author quarantee and consent form (in THAI; in ENG)
- The names, current contact info, and emails for five individual Peer Reviewers (must not be from the same institution nor coauthors)
- English language approval
The SMJ publishes a broad range of papers covering topics in medicine. Authors uncertain about the appropriateness of a manuscript for the Journal are encouraged to review recent issues of the Journal. Manuscripts and correspondence should be submitted at Questions about the submission process can be directed to the SMJ editorial office at
After submission, manuscripts are first reviewed by editorial staff. Manuscripts with incorrect formatting or unacceptable language or style will be returned to authors for correction before transmission to the Editor-in-Chief. SMJ used the double-blinded process for reviewer selections. SMJ will list at least 3 potential reviewers, including name and contact information. The careful selection of relevant experts as reviewers will facilitate and speed up the review process. SMJ do not list reviewers from within our institution, and, especially for international authors, avoid only local reviewers. Acceptable manuscripts will be examined by the Editor-in-Chief and either accepted without review, rejected without review, or assigned to a Section Editor.
Original article: These form the large majority of papers published by the SMJ. There is 3500 words and 40 references limit while efforts should be made to keep manuscripts as succinct as possible. Full reports should include separate sections entitled Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The abstract should contain no more than 250 words. The following sections should be included after the text: Acknowledgments, Financial Support, and Disclosures regarding real or perceived conflicts of interest.
Case report: This format can be used for submission of important preliminary observations, technique modifications, or data that do not warrant publication as a full paper. Short reports should contain no sub-headings, and be no more than 2000 words in length, with no more than 100 words in the abstract, 2 tables and/or figures, and 15 references.
Review article: The SMJ will consider reviews on relevant topics in medicine, medical education, medical innovation and related areas. Typically reviews will be submitted by leading authorities in a field. We encourage mini-reviews, providing concise reviews of focused topics in no more than 3000 words 6 tables and/or figures and no limit reference. The abstract should contain no more than 250 words. The larger reviews will be considered.
Editorial: They are invited by Editor-in-Chief of SMJ and should be written in English and structured as follows: Introduction, Main text, Conclusion, and References. Editorial should not be less than 2,000 and cannot exceed 3,000 words total (counting from Introduction to Conclusion), and should keep references to a minimum.
Special article: These articles are invited by Editor-in-Chief of SMJ. They should be written in English and structured as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Main text, Conclusion, and References. Abstract should be less than 250 words. Special articles should not be less than 2,000 and cannot exceed 3,000 words total (counting from Introduction to Conclusion).
Prepare your manuscript using a word processing program and save it as a .doc file using Microsoft Word. For items that accompany the text (letters, figures, copyright forms, etc.), you may upload the following file types: .xls, .ppt, .gif, .pdf, .jpg, .eps, .png, and .tif.
Cover Letter and Signatures: All manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter with the following information:
- The title of the paper
- A brief description of the significance of the paper to the readers of the SMJ
- A statement confirming that the material is original, has not already been published, and has not and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere as long as it is under consideration by the SMJ
- Written disclosure of any relationships or support which might be perceived as constituting a conflict of interest
- Names and signatures of all contributing authors
Authorship. There is no limit to the number of authors that may be listed.
Manuscript Formatting.
Spacing. The text should be in 11 or 12 point type, fully double-spaced, leaving a margin of 1 inch on all sides. Continuous line numbers (NOT restarting with each page) should be included throughout the manuscript and pages should be numbered consecutively.
Title page. This should include, in the following sequence, the title, a list of all authors, and author institutions, identified by superscripts in Arabic numerals. The corresponding author should be denoted by an asterisk, with address, e-mail, and phone number in a footnote. The running title should be limited with 40 words. The key words should be at least of 3 words.
Title. The manuscript title should be as succinct as possible. Titles should generally not include abbreviations and not be longer than 60 characters (including spaces).
Abbreviations. Abbreviations are commonly overused, compromising the clarity of manuscripts. Authors are advised to keep abbreviations to a minimum, using them when they are clearer than long terms (e.g. PCR, DNA), but avoiding them when possible when they are non-standard and idiosyncratic. Terms should be spelled out with first usage in both the abstract and text, with the abbreviation following in parentheses. After this first usage, the abbreviation must be used consistently. Plurals of abbreviations do not require apostrophes.
Drug names. Proprietary names of drugs may not appear in the title but may be used in conjunction with the generic name when the drug is first mentioned in the abstract, and again when first mentioned in the text. Thereafter, use only the generic name.
Names of organisms. Genus and species should be italicized. After the first usage the genus should be abbreviated with a single letter (e.g. E. coli). For different species within a genus, the genus should be spelled out with the first usage of each.
Figures. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. It should be noted that a fee is required for color illustrations in print, but authors can choose black & white in print. All figures should contain a brief legend. The size should be 5x7 itches with at least of 300 dpi.
Tables. Tables should be serially numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Each table should be placed on a separate page at the appropriate point in the text or at the end of the manuscript.
References. References should be cited by consecutive numbers in the text. The numbers should appear in superscripts that appear after closing punctuation. First 6 authors should be listed. Abbreviate journal names as in PubMed, with journal name and volume number in italics. References should be from peer-reviewed publications.
Examples of references:
1.1 Journal- Lewy H, Rotstein A, Kahana E, Marrosu MG, Cocco E, Laron Z. Juvenile multiple sclerosis similar to type I diabetes mellitus has a seasonality of month of birth which differs from that in the general population. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2008; 21: 473 - 7.
- Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res 2002; 935: 40 - 6.
1.2. Supplement- Lofwall MR, Strain EC, Brooner RK, Kindbom KA, Bigelow GE. Characteristics of older methadone maintenance (MM) atients [abstract]. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2002; 66 (Suppl 1): S105.
1.3. Book- Fealy S, Sperliny JW, Warren RF, Craig EV. Shoulder anthroplasty: complex issues in the primary and revision setting. New York: Thieme; 2008.
1.4. Chapter- Waltzman SB, Shapiro WH. Cochlear implants in adults. In: Valente M, Hosfond-Dunn H, Roeser RJ, editors. Audiology treatment. 2nd ed. New York: Thieme; 2008; p.361 - 9.
1.5. Patent- Tintara H, inventor; Prince of Songkla University, assignee. Amniotomy training model. Thai petty patent 7488. September 18, 2012.
1.6. Journal article on the Internet- Sanders GD, Bayourni AM, Holodnity M, Owens DK. Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in patients older than 55 year of age. Ann Intern Med [serial on the Internet]. 2008 Jun [cited 2008 Oct 7]; 148(12). Available from: cgi/reprint/148/12/889.pdf
1.7. Monograph on the Internet- Field MJ, Behrman RE. Where children die: improving palliative and end-of- life case for children and their families [monograph on the Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2003 [cited 2008 Sep 26]. Available from: record_id=10390&page=1
1.8. Homepage/Web site- [homepage on the Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [cited 2008 Oct 3]. Available from:
E-mail address: skamolth@medicine.psu.
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